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Previous Projects
We are grateful to the Lord and our partners who made these past projects possible. Consider becoming a monthly partner and together we can make a difference and advance God's Kingdom.
Bible Translation
Transportation For Zonal Leaders, Ghana
New vehicle for outreaches, Ghana
Tractor, Ghana
Church Planting Workshops, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi
Church Planting, Rural Ghana
Farm Animals, Ghana
Famine Relief, Kenya
New Computer Lab for Zion Elementary
School for the Poor – Renovation and Room Additions, Rural Ghana
Providing Sound System for Outreaches, Rural Ghana
Hiring New School Teachers, Rural, Ghana
Prison Outreach, Rural Ghana
Women’s Conference, India, US, Ghana
Pastors Conference, Accra, Ghana
Pastors Conference, Togo, Ghana
Pastors and Leaders Conference, Navrango, Ghana
Pastors and Leaders Conference, Asia
Healing, Prophetic & Deliverance Training, Asia, US, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Middle East, Germany, South Korea, Cambodia, and more.
Chaplin Training, Accra, Ghana
Easter Conventions, Ghana
Missionary Support, various countries
Training and Equipping Bible Schools various nations in closed nations
Transportation For Pastors
Motorcycles For Rural Pastors
Training Leaders all over the world
Currently building our third school in Ghana, Africa
Hundreds of Bible MP3 Players
Computer equipment needs for leaders and schools
Training and Ordination for Pastors
Training Leaders, through the US
Equipping for emerging Prophets
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