Sending Others
Mission Support Network is a mission organization that helps other missionaries move forward in their calling. We do this by providing support in prayer, counseling, training and covering the donation process. Below are just a few of the current missionaries working through this organization. Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation and partner with them as they advance the Kingdom of God throughout the world.
Stuart & Cathy Greer, US, Africa & Asia

Stuart and Cathy are pastors, missionaries, speakers, and authors who established Mission Support Network (MSN Ministries) in 2008. You can find out more about them on the Founders portion of this website. They live by faith and your monthly support makes it possible for them to continue church planting, equipping others, setting people free, and advancing God’s Kingdom in the nations. They are currently focused on Africa, Asia, and the US. Make a one-time donation or become a monthly partner. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Brian & Pamela Jourden, Generation Won/Iris
Brian and Pamela met at a youth conference in New Mexico in 1992. Three months later they began ministry together which lead them across three continents and 24 nations. Founding Directors of Generation Won/Iris Ministries, Brian and Pamela have been serving the people of Zimbabwe since 2008. Some of their activities include: planting churches, starting schools among impoverished children, starting youth groups across the nation and seeking solutions to economic challenges facing the next generation. They also preach revival in churches across the UK, U.S., and South Africa. Find out more at www.generationwon.org

Shannon McIlroy, Youth With A Mission, Rogaland, Norway
Shannon has always had a passion for different people, cultures, traditions, languages, and Jesus. She has spent the last year and a half studying literature, working full-time at a local coffee shop, and serving in youth ministry at her church. The Lord recently called her to be a part of Youth with a Mission (YWAM— a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world). She will start her training in Rogaland, Norway. We want to encourage you to support this young woman as she begins her journey into missions. Click on the donate button below.
We also support other missionaries serving in difficult regions around the world that are not listed above.